5 Things You Should Be Doing to Grow Your Organization

I wanted to share a few ways you all could continue to grow your organization along the way…

Subscribe to newsletters: Subscribing to different newsletters of those who have the experience and knowledge of working with or for a nonprofit is great! Those that send out newsletters usually send out information that could be useful to your org in regards to donations, fundraising, & tools: links, coaches, online courses/workshops, challenges, guides and other useful things

Subscribe to Podcasts: This is a great way for your team to learn things on the go. While sometimes we tend to not “have time” when you’re on the go this is a great way to multi-task while you’re driving, working out, or at work at your desk. A few podcasts you can check out via iTunes are: Nonprofit Optimist & Nonprofit Hub Radio to name a few.

Network: In order to grow your organization in different aspects you need to network with other CEOS/Founders, volunteers, experts, donors, businesses, your community, etc to name a few. I always emphasize that you be very present in your community more so than online. Those that need you are in your community. Your social presence is important but should come second.

Collaborate: Another form of networking… Getting with other organizations that have similar missions and vision as yours and work on ways to not only support your cause but it can also bring in other stakeholders to your organizations. Always be genuine when linking up and putting together campaigns/projects. Make sure both organizations benefit from this collab as well.

Team Meetings: This probably should have been number one, and you’re probably thinking how does this help? If you all aren’t on the same page or strategies for your goals aren’t being put together in order to reach your clients/participants and to do it successfully. Depending on what your organization is working on there should be multiple meetings taking place throughout the month. If you have an event there should be sub-groups (event group, fundraising group etc.).

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Ashley Strange