How to Support Those When a Disaster Has Occurred
I was on a coaching call and my client wanted to know how should her organization go about assisting the victims in Texas (this was when Harvey came). I thought this would be a great topic to discuss and a prime example of how awesome & vital collaboration could go for you and your organization (no matter how big or small you are).
-Connect with organizations in the state or town of where the disaster has taken place. See how you can help with whatever they plan on doing or to connect you with families/individuals.
Through past collabrations or partnerships are you gain contacts and resources for your organization. Once you have found where organizations to collaborate with, build a partnership with them. Keep in contact during the process and after. Make sure that there is a key team player within your organization that is doing the communication so that it doesn't confuse anyone
Word of Mouth
One of the most popular ways with social media nowadays is through word of mouth: tweet or post. You can also retrieve information through your contacts no matter where you're located. This is why it is important to network and to keep in contact with those you have cross paths with through:
-Conference calls
I challenge you all to start connecting with other organizations like your own in your community and other areas of the world. We can all use a helping hand. This will also allow you to reach staekholders you normally wouldn't be able to on your own.