Action Plans 30mins

Action Plans 30mins


Choose which Action Planyou would like me to work on with you one on one. You will receive a 10min consultation via phone. If you are unable to schedule a phone call, I will send questions to assist with getting started with your plan. You will have until February 8th 2020 to schedule your Action Plan.

Volunteer Management: I will assist with putting together a volunteer team if you don’t have one, retain them, train them and management them.

Donation Plan: I will assist with putting together a donation plan specific for your organization that you will be able to utilize after our one one one.

Funding Plan: I will assist you in putting together a fundraising plan that your organization to use annually in order to bring in funds whether you have a 501c3 or not.

6 Month Strategic Plan: We will work on putting together a 6 month plan that is realistic for your organization while applying your goals.

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