Class on Volunteer Management + Volunteer Application Template Guide

Class on Volunteer Management + Volunteer Application Template Guide
This class will take place on 11/3 at 4pm PST/7pm EST covering: Many organizations look over the volunteer management aspect and feel as though their volunteers "will come" and that is not always true. Also, when they do approach you how does your organization value their time & gifts? Most of your volunteers have connections (contacts that = donors & collaborations).
This 16 page guide (volunteer application included) will assist smaller organizations who are either preparing to seek volunteers or currently have them in place and is looking for a clean application that they are able to edit and make their own.
This guide also offers tips and explanation for why certain things are needed on an application and offers a volunteer checklist for when it is time to bring in more volunteers to your organization.
In addition to that a group consultation on 11/3 at 4pm PST/7pm EST covering: Many organizations look over this and feel as though their volunteers "will come" and that is not always true. Also, when they do approach you how does your organization value their time & gifts? Most of your volunteers have connections (contacts that = donors & collaborations).
-Discover if you need a Volunteer Manager
-Identify what type of volunteers are needed
-Put together volunteer positions
-Volunteer Manager & volunteer applications put together
-Follow-up with Founder/CEO & Volunteer Manager